Friday, September 18, 2009

Special Delivery.

They weren't the tears of a child trying to manipulate a toy into their possession, there was no jumping up and down in disobedience or screaming of life's unfairness. There were just swollen droplets of heart driven love falling onto her cheeks that made my own heart break in two very different ways. One, for the pain she was feeling as she knew she had to give the "Walmart" baby back to the lady, and secondly, out of the gratitude I had to God for giving her a heart that loves so deeply.
As we walked back to the truck, with groceries in tow, I leaned into my beauty and told her how precious she was for loving that little baby so, and that one day she's going to be a wonderful Mommy.

The tears still fell.
And then God walked in.

Uggh, I had left something at Walmart...
I had to go back.....

I knew, at the store initially, I couldn't give into Maysie's tears of desire and buy the baby, no matter how much I wanted too. But, I could go back and retrieve her from the lady who "informed" me that the baby had cried all day without Maysie. So I did just that, and as I returned home from my mission, I listened to Maysie tell Glenn (in one long run on sentence) the story of her baby, and how she "loved her and missed her and I was so happy... but she was a "Walmart" baby and had to stay with the lady" .....tear.

And then God delivered.


  1. Oh, my sweet Maysie. What a precious girl. What a beautiful story that I got to be a part of as you discovered your missing bags while I was on the phone with you! Still, I had tears as I read it on your blog :)

  2. So cute!

    Love the first picture!!!

    Makes me wanna cry...I still didn't put up the butterflies, I might today though.

  3. Hi Baby,
    You have a gift my love...these precious moments that you capture and turn into words will be cherished forever. I love you baby.


  4. Precious it is.
    Meghan xo (you're here for BBS.)
