Monday, June 1, 2009

A Genuine Priority.

I wasn't exactly sure how you were going to react to this whole "soccer thing." I had pictures of the first few tearful days of Kindergarten class rolling through my memory, that I actually suggested to Glenn that we should buy cheap soccer cleats...just in case.

Well, I couldn't have been more surprised at how much you loved being out there on that wet field, kicking the ball around surrounded by a frenzied pack of 4 footers hoping to get a good kick in as well .
A heart smiling moment for a new "Soccer Mom."
It was a beautiful thing, watching from the sidelines, you cheering on your teammates even when they scored on the wrong net. To witness the sense of accomplishment flash across your face as you kicked the ball into the net, was a joy. The high fives post game, you running up to a classmate asking her if she had fun, and you falling asleep with your shinpads on your pillow etched their way into my memory bank.
I pray Calvin, that you never lose this sense of genuine play, and no matter how important a game may become in your life, having fun and encouraging others should always take priority over the win.


  1. Awesome! Looove these photos!
    Way to go, little sensitive man--cheer those teammates on!

  2. I am in baby. I took a few minutes in my craziness so I could be a follower of my true love. I love you the whole skyfull and thank you for being such a great mom and wife. I love all the blogs so are so expressive in your words baby...I love it!


  3. Hi Auntie Annie!

    Hey, love the post!
    But where's all the rest!?
    June 1!

    Love ya!
    D@ncing Princess

  4. Hey! (It's Meghan!)

    Where's your posts!
    I hope we can get together soon!

    LOVE YA!


  5. Great post.
    Genuine pro. Totally.
    Meghan xo (you're here for BBS.)
